UQ Alumni2Alumni

Build connections. Ask questions. Get advice.

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A2A is UQ's online alumni-to-alumni flash mentoring platform, helping you to connect with your global alumni community.  As an exclusive UQ mentoring and peer coaching platform, A2A will help you connect and share learning and career development opportunities with other professionals.   

Is A2A for me?

If you are a UQ alumnus, then yes! UQ A2A is a flash mentoring platform which can be used at any stage of your career, wherever you are in the world, whether you graduated last year or decades ago. 

The platform lets alumni search and, with permission, swap contact information to have short, tactical conversations or build on-going relationships.

Learn how to make the best impression at a new job, build a professional network, discuss career pathways, industry transitions and progression, workshop ideas and problem solve challenges.  Whether you are a recent graduate, mid-career professional or senior executive, UQ A2A offers something for everyone.  

Join as a Mentee

Learning is a lifelong endeavour and experience is often a great teacher. Request a conversation, bring your list of questions or ideas and put yourself in the best position to develop your skills and grow professionally.

Join as a Peer

Talking it out with someone who has done, or is going through, the same thing can be half the battle.  Find someone on a similar trajectory as you to share ideas and solve problems together.


Join as a Mentor

After years of hard work and experience, you might want to offer insight and advice or act as a sounding board for others on a similar path.  Or, you might look to mentoring to help build the leadership skills you need to advance your career.

Frequently asked questions

Can anyone join A2A?

A2A is an exclusive offering for UQ alumni to help build connections, ask questions and get advice by leveraging the UQ alumni network. 

How long does it take to register for A2A?

Getting onto A2A is easy.  It only takes five minutes to build a profile.  Once your profile is approved, you’ll have immediate access to the A2A portal. 

Is A2A open to UQ alumni worldwide?

Yes, A2A is open to all UQ alumni who wish to opt in, regardless of where you live or what you do.  It’s a way to connect into your global alumni network.

What role should I choose on A2A - mentee, peer or mentor?

The flexibility of A2A means you get to choose whether you would like to be a mentee, peer, mentor or a combination of all three!  Choosing mentee will put you in the best position to develop your skills and grow professionally.  Choosing peer will be useful in finding someone who is on a similar trajectory as you for a mutually beneficial conversation.  Choosing mentor will enable you to offer insights or guidance to others and to help build your leadership skills. 

Can I find a job on A2A?

A2A is designed for flash mentoring and is not suitable for job hunting, internship or graduate placements or reviewing resumes and CVs. 

Will UQ find alumni matches for me?

Connections are 100 per cent alumni driven, and can be made by you when and how you want.   

Do you have any tips for how I reach out to a potential mentor?

We have plenty of resources to guide you in how to reach out to mentors or peers and to ask the right questions to ensure you both get the most out of the interaction.  Refer to our user guide for more details.

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Contact the UQ A2A administration team.