Welcome to the ScienceLink

Mentoring program



A flexible career mentoring program connecting Early to Mid Career Researchers and Academics with Senior Researchers and Academics within the Faculty of Science.

One of the greatest values of mentors is the ability to see ahead what others cannot see and to help them navigate a course to their destination. - John C. Maxwell

Enhance your career development with the support of a mentor

As part of the program, you will work together with a mentor of your choice in a series of one-on-one meetings over a period of 6 months (with possibility to extend), to guide and support your professional and personal development in a way that’s relevant and meaningful to you.

Mentee Eligibility

Membership as a mentee is open to Early to Mid-Career Academics within the Faculty of Science. This includes Teaching and Research, Research Focused (e.g. postdocs, research fellows), Teaching Focused, and Clinical Academics.    

Learn more about becoming a Mentee
Help someone grow and realise their potential

We're looking for mentors and leaders who:
  • are genuinely passionate about helping others learn, develop and grow
  • can listen and provide honest, constructive feedback without judgment
  • are reliable, curious, and great communicators.

Mentor Eligibility

Membership as a mentor is open to Level C, D and E Academics within the Faculty of Science. 

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