For Mentors Page

“Leadership is not a journey to rise in the ranks. It is a journey to help those around us rise.”

- Simon Sinek-

Your wisdom, experience and leadership can help shape the future of EMCAs and EMCRs – the innovators, educators and thought-leaders of tomorrow.

Investing your time to become a mentor gives you the opportunity to:
  • enhance your leadership, communication, listening and coaching skills 
  • extend your professional networks 
  • learn from others by gaining fresh perspectives and exposure to new ideas 
  • enhance your self-awareness and emotional intelligence
  • give back to the UQ and scientific community through providing professional development support to EMCAs and EMCRs.
Being a mentor is a rewarding experience that gives you the satisfaction in knowing you’ve helped someone grow and realise their potential.

How does the program work?

The ScienceLink Mentoring Program is a rolling 6-month program that was launched in March 2022.

As part of the program, mentors will work one-on-one with an Early-Mid Career Researcher or Academic mentee within the Faculty of Science to support the mentee’s career or personal development needs and guide them to create their own path to success. 

At the start of the program, mentees choose their own mentor based on their professional interests, career goals or support needs. Once mentees have identified a potential mentor, they are responsible for initiating contact with the mentor through the ScienceLink site and setting up the introductory meeting once you have accepted their invitation to connect.

At the first meeting, you and your mentee will collaborate to define your expectations and how you will work together to build a positive, productive relationship over the 6 month program to support their development needs and achieve mutually agreed goals or outcomes.

Find out more here:

Read Mentor FAQs

Mentor eligibility

The ScienceLink Mentoring Program is open to mentors at Level C, D and E within the Faculty of Science. To offer mentorship in a specific topic, you would usually have at least five years experience in that area.

Become a mentor

Applications to become a mentor are now open. Click the Join program button below to begin your expression of interest application.