Pharmacy ITP Mentoring Program

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Welcome to the Pharmacy ITP Mentoring Program

You’re about to embark on an exciting journey at UQ; following a passion, discovering more about yourself, and building future networks. Every journey will have its challenges along the way, and no one knows that more than our recent Intern Training Program (ITP) graduates. Throughout your intern year with us you will have the support of your mentor, a mentor that has been through the Intern Training Program themselves and is now working as a professional in the sector. 

The Program

The Pharmacy ITP Mentoring Program is a year long program in which you will gain the support of an early career pharmacist and recent graduate of the UQ ITP as you navigate through your intern year. Through this program you will connect 1 on 1 with a mentor currently working in your professional area of interest. This program is designed to facilitate flexibility, yourself and your mentor can choose times to meet that fits in with your schedules. The content of this mentoring program is tailored to match your ITP and all participation is available online. 

During the semester you will receive Pharmacy updates to brief you on UQ services and events as well as encourage you to ask questions, reach out to your mentors and find what works for you. 

Why have a mentor?

Take advantage of the opportunity to form a professional connection with an early career pharmacist and recent graduate of the UQ ITP as you navigate through your intern year. Interns can expect to strengthen and build their professional networks, and gain the skills and confidence to excel in the profession of pharmacy.

Get involved

If you are you an early career professional and recent graduate of the UQ ITP we would love for you to share your knowledge through becoming a mentor. A mentor's role is to inspire, encourage and support their mentee.

Consider joining the team for 2023. Applications for 2023 are open!  


One of the greatest values of mentors is the ability to see ahead what others cannot see and to help them navigate a course to their destination. - John C. Maxwell

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