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Connect with your
Peer Mentor
and join the
UQ Dentistry Community

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The Dentistry student experience is more than just the courses you complete. It’s also about the people you meet and the connections you make! Those first few months of being a UQ Dentistry student can be an overwhelming experience.  You will receive a lot of information on a range of new things. Many of you will also be trying to learn your way around a new city and make new friends and support networks. The Dentistry Peer Mentoring Program was created to provide a connection and support tool to help new Dentistry students navigate through their first few weeks.

Dentistry Peer Mentors are volunteer senior students who, like you, were new Dentistry students once. They have now successfully settled into Dentistry and progressed to the later years of the degree program.

The Program

The Dentistry Peer Mentoring Program runs from Week 1 to Week 6.

During the program, your mentors will organise regular catch-ups with your peer group and share their own tips and university experiences, from how to best prepare for your first assessment to where to find the best coffee in Brisbane!

To get the most out of this opporunity, we strongly recommend you attend the catch-ups and communciate regularly with your group. The program is designed to support you, so make the most out of it!