MD Mentoring

The MD mentoring program connects new and current students in the MD program. For our incoming year 1 mentees, their year 2 mentors will assist them to connect, enjoy a greater sense of belonging, and help them get to know the UQ community better. For our year 3 mentees, their year 4 mentors will help them transition to the clinical setting. Mentors in the programs will give their mentees insider tips based on their own experiences as well as provide information about wellbeing and academic support services. The program also offers opportunities to connect through group meetups and individual meetings with your mentor.

We invite you to connect and start your UQ journey with our MD Mentoring Program.

Register as Mentor (Year 2 & 4)

Applications for Semester 1, 2025 NOW OPEN

Register as Mentee (Year 1 & 3)

Applications for Semester 1, 2025 NOW OPEN

“A brave leader is someone who says I see you. I hear you. I don’t have all the answers, but I’m going to keep listening and asking questions.” -  Brene Brown

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